Rosarium Virginis Mariae

Musings on the Mysteries

Friday, April 29, 2005

Take your time!

That's what the exercise is all about.

Do not rush through prayer as though it were one more thing to check off of your "to do" list.

The reason that there are as many beads on the rosary as there are is simple.

It "takes time" to get through a chaplet.

I prefer to think of it as an opportunity to "give time".

Meditation on the mysteries is an unselfish giving of ourselves. We take all the myriad things that clutter our lives with busy-ness and noise and push them all away. We bring into these moments of calm, ourselves. We are a delight to God's eye. That's why he created us. When we choose to put ourselves in His presence, or more precisely, to remind ourselves of our continually being in His presence, we bring our unique reactions to the mystery of the incarnation before him. We are His children and our free choice to seek out growth in the spirit is pleasing to Him.


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