Rosarium Virginis Mariae

Musings on the Mysteries

Wednesday, May 04, 2005

Be Creative!

In meditation, God shares with us some measure of the joy of creation.

We take a framework, a mystery, to "center" ourselves within; and then we set out to discover the unknown aspects of something we claim to already know.

Be quiet. Be attentive. Be open.

To some extent, you may be attempting to "create" a scene based on the imagery of the mystery.

That's a good starting point.

Next, you need to be willing to take a chance to be led by the hand.

You are placing yourself in the presence of God.

He does not ignore those who approach Him with hunger to know him more perfectly.

But, He is not predictable.

Be prepared to be taken off on tangental flights of imagination.

Do not try to "control" the experience.

You may find encompassing depths in little details that arise for your consideration.

Empty yourself, so that you might be filled with His grace and light.


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