Rosarium Virginis Mariae

Musings on the Mysteries

Friday, May 06, 2005

The nativity

Luke 2:8-14

The night is clear and cold. It is a cloudless night and the sky is brilliant with stars. The muted bleating of sheep lulls the sleepy shepherd Avram like a lullaby. His brother is asleep a short distance away, his cloak wrapped around him to keep out the chill. His head is bowed down, his forehead almost touching his knees which are pulled up close to his body to keep him warm.

Avram thinks to himself how nice it would be to close his eyes for just a moment. It is his turn to watch. He yawns a long langorous yawn. His eyes flutter shut; for just a moment. He feels himself starting to drift off to sleep and starts suddenly. He forces his eyes open and is sure that he is dreaming. There standing before him is a beautiful young man all dressed in brilliant garments. Are they white? Yellow? Rose? He can't tell. He sees the man as clearly as if it were day. But, it is the middle of the night. How can that be? He is sure that he has fallen asleep and makes the effort to wake himself. He squeezes his eyes tightly shut and then forces them wide open. The young man is still there. If he is not asleep, then he must have lost his senses. This frightens the young shepherd.

The shining youth holds out an open hand above the head of Avram and speaks. "Don't be afraid. Listen closely. I am a messenger sent to bring you good news of great joy."
The angel's voice calms Avram and replaces his fear with curiosity.
"Today, in the city of David, the one for whom you have waited patiently is born. He is the anointed one. He is Adonai."

The sheep stopped their bleating. The absence of that dependable sound seemed to startle Avram more than anything that had transpired so far that night. He listened. Nothing. He shook his head trying to clear whatever stoppage had temporarily deafened him. No, wait.....I can still hear the breeze dancing through the bushes. No,'s not the breeze, it's....voices! Avram squints and cocks his head to one side attempting to will the sound into clearer focus.

The angel's eyes crinkle as a broad smile washes across his shining face. And in answer to Avram's unspoken prayer, to hear more clearly, he slowly begins to form with his lips the words that are being sung.

"Glory to God in the highest and on earth peace to those on whom his favor rests."

Avram can hear it now. They sing it over and over. Such beautiful music unlike any heard by human ears!

Then, all at once, it is quiet once again.

The angel turns to Avram and says "You're having a tough time believing all of this. I understand. This will be a sign for you to know that I speak the truth. Go into the town and seek out the child who was born in a stable this night. You will find him. He will be wrapped in swaddling clothes and lying in a manger. When you see all of this as I have described it, remember my words and know that they are true."

Then Avram was alone again, in the midst of a field filled with bleating sheep, and his snoring brother.

Another mystery.

Please explore. Take a walk in the field. Feel the thick wool of the sheep as they rub against your legs. They have a certain earthy smell. Look up at the sky. Do you see that star just over the rise that seems to stand out tonight? Is Avram's dog making sure that you behave around the flock? Talk to Avram. Look at how the experience has affected him. What does his voice sound like? Be there when he wakes his brother and recounts what has happened. Follow them into the town. Find yourself at the entrance to the stable, with all if it's smells and sounds. Does the prophecy of the angel register on the face of Avram's brother when they find the babe in swaddling clothes lying in a manger? Spend time at the place where the story of our salvation began.


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