Rosarium Virginis Mariae

Musings on the Mysteries

Friday, May 13, 2005

The Presentation of the Child at the temple

Luke 2:21-39

"Every male that openeth the womb shall be called holy to the Lord"

The young couple approach the temple to offer a sacrifice to ransom their child. The law requires that each first born male is to be given for the service of God. The sacrifice of a pair of young pigeons or turtledoves ritualistically satisfies the debt.

As they approach the temple; a center of activity which mixes awe and wonder at the presence of the most high in the Holy of Holies, with a certain open-air bazaar earthiness as merchants ply their trade within the shadow of the walls, providing the various animals called for in the temple rituals. There is the noise of middle eastern barter ringing out as the business of man is contracted in order to proceed to the business of satisfying the requirements of holy law.

The heat thickens the air which is liberally peppered with clouds of dust kicked up by the traffic of many feet. An old man sits on a low chair in a shaded bit of wall by the entrance to the women's court. This is the open area within the first wall of the temple complex. His face is brown and lined with the years he has lived. He looks penetratingly at each face that crosses "his" entrance. His head nods, and his lips move as though he were in converse, but he poses his speech to no one in particular. His eyebrows arch and his animated hands show that he silently speaks on a subject of no little importance to him. He stops in mid-gesture, drops his head and covers his eyes. His head begins to shake from left to right in a slow arching movement. He breathes out a long, considered, sigh. He lifts his head, his hands outstretched, palms raised as in supplication. His tear-filled eyes meet the eyes of a young woman with a newborn child held close. Her husband is looking about him at the impressive architecture of the temple precinct. His expression is a mixture of awe and apprehension. The smell of roasted flesh permeates the air.

The old man, Simeon by name, rises slowly, painfully from the low stool. His eyes have not left Mary's. He wipes at his eyes with the back of his hand. The sadness and confusion that permeated his frame only moments ago, is disappearing in waves. He looks down at the child. His gaze lingers. His eyes flutter shut for a moment. He nods his head once, twice, and speaks in a hushed tone. "Adonai, now I can leave, in peace. You fulfilled your promise. You let these eyes see salvation. He will be for all, he will bring truth to Gentiles and Glory to your chosen people." He addressed Mary. "Your child will be a force that moves through Israel, men will rise or fall because of him. Not all will want to hear what he has to say. He will break your heart."


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